Sunday, 19 June 2011

I'm back

Hey every one I'm back. The last month and a half has been super crazy for me, and I've barely have had time for myself, but now I do since finals started on thursday, and my next four finals should be easy. Art, & German on Monday, German on Tuesday, and Japanese on Wednesday. The reason why I didn't post on Thursday when my finals started, well one, my laptop crashed and I haven't set up my main computer, and two I had my  Math A30 final on Saturday, in otherwords, I was panicking cause my laptop crashed and I needed it for my finals on Friday, and on Monday, and I was cram studying for my math final. But as you can tell I am no longer in panic mode because Friday afterschool I went to my uncle and aunty's place and my uncle fixed my laptop.  :D  And of course math final is over so I am just waiting to see my marks, and whether or not I received the credit. Tchuss!

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