Saturday, 23 April 2011


So my family has added to our number of pets..... We now have 6 fish ( soon to be more ), 4 dogs, 2 cats, and 5 horses.... If you thought that is lots, we have had loads more we once had at one time 21 dogs, 6 cats, 20 fishies, 3 finches, 2 hamsters, and 4 horses all at one time....... I am not even gonna mention the birds ( chickens, turkeys, geese etc.) that we were raising at the time..... Anyway back to the new fish, my kid sister and I have named 4 of them Bubblebrain ( B.B ), Helmethead, Incardadine, and Goldie. We are letting my brother and his girlfriend name the other two when they come home from Edmonton for the holidays.


  1. Jesus that is a LOT of pets! CAN I HAVE ALL OF YOUR CATS PLEASE?!?!?!

  2. lol we only have2 "tame" cats, all the rest are wild but are ours....
